Tuesday 28 September 2010

Daily Wear

I've decided that I'm going to try and post a daily outfit - it probably won't happen everyday (you definitely don't want to see me in my pj's!) and it won't be as fancy as some blogs that you see (my hubby would laugh if I asked him to take glamorous magazine-style photos everyday!). So it'll just be little old me taking a photo on my camera phone in my sometimes often messy spare room! My aim is to see what clothes I actually wear on a regular basis so that I can declutter and also, I am on a diet so it will be interesting to see my shape change. Here are a couple of (very embarassing) photos of me from my honeymoon 3 years ago:
And here's me now (these are my work outfits from yesterday and today):
I was a size 14/6 last year and am now down to a size 12 - I don't want to get mega skinny as I like my curves but I definitely want to be a size 10 as I feel that then I will have more confidence and feel alot happier.

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