Friday 1 October 2010

Fishy business

I completely forgot to let you all know about the pedicure I had at the weekend. It was at a place called Sole Sensation in Hornchurch and was carried out by little fishes! It was quite an odd experiance but strangely relaxing too and I would definitely have it done again. Their website says:

Q: Where do the fish come from?
A: The Garra Rufa fish, known as DR FISH for their therapeutic properties, belong to the carp family - a unique type of freshwater fish native to Middle East river basins. First discovered in the 19th century in the hot springs of the Kengal valley, Turkey, the Garra Rufa fish are recognized for their numerous healing benefits and effectiveness in exfoliating, cleansing and softening of the skin.

Q: How does it feel?
A: The sensation is similar to that of mini Jacuzzi jets that gently massage and stimulate your skin. Some find the experience ticklish at first but the feeling passes quickly so that deep relaxation can begin.

Q: Does it hurt - do they bite or have teeth?
A: No. The Garra Rufa fish have no teeth. They do not bite rather gently nibble away at dead skin cells to promote the growth of healthy new skin.

This is my brother-in-laws girlfriend, Barb, who is absolutely lovely as you can tell by her lovely smile! It was her idea to have the pedicure in the first place so I thought I should include her photo.
Me, my mother-in-law (Julie) and Barb's mum

1 comment:

  1. I love these little boutique places and they are far better than the Easy Jet of this therapy, Appyfeet (what an awful name anyway)!

    My first experience was visiting one of their conveyor belts, tanks were awful and the staff totally uninterested. no checks were made of my feet and i was given croc shoes that were dirtier than the floor!

    it was a friend that told me about the big difference between Appyfeet and this small spa. service was brilliant and the tanks were lovely.

    Having friends in different cities I have since visited two other spas in newcastle and lincoln and found the experience just keeps getting better and better. My advice; check out a small spa before being lured into the big chain, the service is miles better and its exactly the same price as appyyfeet!
